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Does Your Microwave, Hood Fan or Garburator Need Repair?

There’s nothing better than our time saving microwave oven, garburator and hood fan to save the day, every day.

We understand how frustrating it can be when your small appliances stop working correctly, or worse, stops working completely. The great news is you found us, and we’ll help you save time and money, so you get get back popping your popcorn, your cooking smells sucked, and your food waste down your garburator again to make your life easier. Why purchase a whole new appliance, when you may just need a simple part to save the day. Protech Appliance Solutions are the number one trusted small appliance repair company here year round to ensure a day in your life remains as stress free as possible. With same day service, and experience technicians, we will come to your rescue right away. Contact us today, and we’ll send you our most qualified technician to your home to diagnose the problem, provide you with a competitive quote, order you the necessary parts at the best prices we can find, and have your trusty small appliance repaired and working for you in no time.

Call now to schedule your service call today.

Contact the Experts

We service all major brands. Contact our experts today to discuss fixing your small but very important home appliance.

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